i've been trying to fit all the pieces in. one of those pieces hasn't been writing/blogging but zoe and i had a cute bedtime conversation that i can't help but share. (clearly that's always my motivation for writing, and in case you were wondering, bed time is still divi.... nevermind, don't want to jinx it.)
me (snuggling zoe): you're a treasure. [so cheesy i know, it just happened. don't judge me :)]
z: what?!
me: i treasure you.
z: what?!?
me: you're the most special girl in the whole wide world to me.
z: ...i love chocolate coins.
i thought the treasure connection was pretty hilarious. i love three year olds.
zoe's current favs: creating intricate buildings out of magnatiles...

and tearing through 100 piece puzzles in like five minutes. (WAY faster than me, which is slightly embarrassing).

and she picked out some flowers for me from the grocery store last night and came in holding them with the biggest, proudest, grin EVER. wish i had a photo of that!

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