as the rain falls and the ground is covered with all of tiny little petals from all the flowering trees that have surrounded us with so much beauty, i have so much gratitude for these photos we took a couple of days ago. on a random thursday, i just wanted to go explore a pretty little place that caught my eye. we parked our car on the side of the road and the three of us walked to the "fairy tree tunnel" and played together. i wanted to take photos of my girl and to not be limited by anything other than what drew me in. her sweet little movements, expressions, laughter, inquisition, exploration, intention, joy.
i was holding out hope that we'd get one more snow day before winter was over, and it happened! this winter has been freakishly warm (which i love) but i also love watching zoe catch snowflakes on her tongue and eat handfuls of snow and stand in wonderment as snow falls all around her. i wanted one more day of going out until our fingers were red and cold and coming in and making hot chocolate. i have no snow pictures at all from this year (we were either out of town or sick on every snow day we've had so far) so i'm happy that we got to enjoy what will more than likely be our last snow of this season.
so serious. :)
happy snow day!
last night we had a little low-key celebration for my dad's birthday. food, mario kart, and lots of musical instruments made for an awesome celebration. in case anyone was wondering, i have apparently not retained my mario kart skills from college and came in fourth place (last) four out of four times. my dad is an incredible guitar player and i have my fingers crossed that zoe inherits some of that musical genius, since it completely skipped me. she's definitely drawn to music and instruments of any kind, so i took the opportunity to take a million photos of her experimenting. if she does end up to be some bad ass guitar player one day, that will be pretty sweet to look at. even if she doesn't, not much is cuter than a tiny girl with a giant guitar.
"happy birthday tooooooo papaw joooeeee"
love you dad.
the evening's band:
after i gave up on trying to beat them...
today is his actual birthday so... happy birthday, dad! we love you!