spending time with my family on a random wednesday morning. my cousins' babies and my baby and my sweet aunt and hot chocolate and raindrops and breakfast burritos and happy chaos.

three year olds in iron man costumes.

i fall more in love with her unabashed laughter every time i hear it. and the way her whole entire face glows with happy.

something new has happened. noah used to dart quickly out of my frame every time he spotted me with a camera. yesterday he walked right up to me and looked at me with this sweet face. i melted.

rainy days can be beautiful.

i love... the way she ever-so-gently leans over to love on babies. when the time comes, i know she's going to be a better big sister than i could ever dream of.

i love new teeth and drooly smiles and big brown eyes with lights behind them. i love harlow.

i love that new babies need so much to be nurtured. how they don't know what they want or why they want it or else they know exactly what they want and sometimes we don't... but they always look at you with a face that says
just love me.

scrunchy nose laughing... favorite.

zoe's favorite game: [while being slung over her daddy's back & him pretending he can't find her until she "lets him know" where she is]... i love how happy this makes her. and hearing her say
let's do where'd zoe go?!!

this morning i (read: eggo) made a particularly hilarious batch of waffles.

we slept in until NINE (this never happens, mark this day in history) and then spent a good hour in the bathtub. so the chocolate milk & syrup combo really did it for her. that and me deciding we could wait to brush her hair until after breakfast. i pick my battles. (hair brushing, by the way, may be the greatest battle of my day).
and then.... it happened for the first time. i was noticing the beauty in her dark lashes against her porcelain skin and i saw it there. that single lash waiting to be wished on.

she may have been a little confused but she did it:
make a wish...