what i loved the most was that it's all about ideas. imagination. dreaming. manifesting. i've said it before and i'll say it again: great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.
i thought about all the places i dreamed of traveling to and swooned over beautiful photos of them. i looked through fun DIY house decorating ideas and reminded myself of the home that i am creating one little bit at a time. i was inspired by others' photography and remembered the beauty in the natural and the creative. i made a board dedicated to awakening memories from the past and found sweet little photo reminders of special times throughout my life. i pinned quotes that made me think, and smile. i dreamed about all the different hair styles i'd love to rock, including dreads which i mean... i dunno if that'll ever happen but i can dream. i was hungry at the time so i found photos of all of my favorite foods and drooled over them. i've been wanting to shoot some styled photo shoots so i collected some ideas of things that i thought were lovely. i'm going through the branding process (does it ever end? no. no it doesn't.) and collected my ideas, colors, and the look i love. and lastly, my manifesting dreams/bucket list board... with all the things i want to do before i die. simple things like GET A FREAKING PASSPORT to bigger leaps of faith like traveling around the country in a VW bus with my family. or running a marathon. or living oceanside. i believe in manifesting your thoughts and wants and desires and needs and dreams into REALITY.
although i was only discussing the ideas with myself, but within minutes things were getting commented on and liked and re-pinned and i realized my ideas, which were inspired by others' ideas, were becoming more people's ideas and ideas were running wild. this is always a good thing!
also, the other day i posted about my new gratitude chalk board. i am happy to report that i have been dedicating 5-10 minutes a day to sitting in silence and writing down what i'm grateful for. another quote, while i'm in a quote-y mood... thoughts in mind produce after their kind. this couldn't be more true... especially for gratitude.
i love ideas. and i'm still grateful.
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