yesterday was dedicated to zoe & i hanging out with one of my favorite girls in the whole wide world. christine and i met when we were in seventh grade and were inseparable. we have countless memories together and even though sometimes months pass in between our visits, i never feel any different. we can go from laughing to crying to listening to talking to reminiscing to just being with no awkward in betweens. i love those kind of friends. she's in a really intense accelerated nursing program, so i only got to see her because it was her spring break. so thank you, GWU spring break. we needed this day.
there is something so special about watching someone you've known since you were a kid - loving on your kid. they love them in such a familial way. i couldn't stop smiling. and taking pictures. and just soaking up all the minutes of us laughing and playing and her genuinely and with all her heart loving on my girl. zoe is pretty shy but within 2 seconds of her walking in the door it was like she'd been hanging out with her daily. it was so cute. there is something equally as cool about watching my baby really love my friend. and cuddle up in her arms and laugh with her. i must add, i can't WAIT until christine & kyle make babies.

they danced. and danced, and danced...

zoe led this move.

i love this series of photos. so her right now.

we finished our visit with spring oreos. lots of them. at first that yellow filling freaked me out, but i was happy to know they had the same great taste. and we finished the entire package.

with lots of milk of course.

i think zoe was a little sad when christine left. so she did what she does best, mothered her two baby dolls (she always carries multiples) and gave me her best puppy dog eyes.

so we built and destroyed. "you gotta stand up for this one, mom!"

concentration faces, i really can't get enough.

and our motto as of late:

"kindness in words creates confidence. kindness in thinking creates profoundness. kindness in giving creates love."
happy wednesday!
Zoe's monkey dance moves might be my favorite image ever.