14 March, 2011

sports and where we come in.

this weekend my sister emma had a lacrosse tournament. sports are a huge part of her life, and a very small (or non-existent) part of mine but i do love watching her play. it's her last season of her last year in high school, so i get a bit nostalgic about it all. we got there right when one game ended and another was about to start so zoe got to share some moments with the star of the show.
[eskimo kisses are her new thing. best. ever. she grabs your face sweetly and says let me kiss you like this.]
emma's proud girlfriend:
here she is, in action. (jesse took this).
the claps for winning all four games. :)
after the game, in the huddle.
i told emma she ruined this picture because she blinked. but i kind of love it.
zoe gave emma a present when we got back to the parking lot. take a 2 year old to a dollar store and tell them they can pick out anything they want for someone they love. you get:
then she spotted the team bus. zoe is infatuated with school busses. every time she sees one she shrieks, "look mom!!!! the wheels on the bus!!!!!" jesse decided in an instant he'd ask the bus driver if she could come in because he knew it'd light her up. i'd be embarrassed to do that, but he didn't think twice. that's why he's the best dad on the face of the earth.
it lit her up like he knew it would. and i love seeing them like this.
and for this week's installment of my daddy dressed me and did my hair... just sayin.
the flarp putty, incase you didn't know, makes fart noises. so that provided lots of laughs. good choice, zoe.

1 comment:

  1. yourrrrrr sister.14 March, 2011

    love them all(:

    love, emma.


your words make me smile.

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