and i left it on all day. my heart ached for the japanese people. trying to put myself in their shoes. trying to imagine just how devastating that would be. their world just got completely rocked, completely flipped on it's head. the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, husbands, wives, friends... and the news said more was coming.
the CNN ticker said, 'tsunami is about to hit the west coast of the US.' so i thought about all the people i love in california and mostly ashley, who i just visited days ago, and how she lives right on the beach. i called and woke her up. the scene in california, and oregon, and hawaii wasn't nearly as bad as what i thought was coming. thank goodness.
but japan, oh japan. it just breaks my heart. and so while we played, uninhibited, safe, and happy. i was so grateful for these faces, for these lives, and all the moments we get to share them. because you never know how much time you have.

and i kept japan in my thoughts all day long, sending love and grace and strength. for the mamas and babies and and all the special lives that were lost today, and for all the people that were left behind. you're in my heart. and i hope your confusion and sadness fades in time and clarity comes with a peace that passes understanding.
you're right - you never know how much time you have... but you're expanding love! keep expanding it, because i love this blog.